
We have created the following tutorials to get you quickly started with using GaMPEN. To look into the details of each GaMPEN function used in these tutorials, please look at the API reference.

You can either download these notebooks from GitHub and run them on your own machine or use Google Colab to run these using Google GPUs.

Making Predictions

This tutorial demonstrates how to use trained GaMPEN models on galaxy images to predict morphological parameters.

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Training GaMPEN

This tutorial demonstrates how to train GaMPEN from scratch using your own data.

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Transfer Learning with GaMPEN

This tutorial demonstrates how to train GaMPEN when starting from a pre-trained model.

Coming Soon!

Using the Auto-Cropping Module Separately

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the auto-cropping module of a trained GaMPEN model to only crop galaxy images (to be used for any task – not necessarily morphological analysis).

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